School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome Goals for 2023 - 24 School Year

SIIP At-a-Glance

  • 2022 - 2023

  • Coates ES

  • Region 5

  • Paul Basdekis, Principal

English Language Arts Strategies


  • By June 2024, the percentage of English Learners (ELs) in grades 1-3 demonstrating "on-grade-level" reading ability as measured by the iReady and ORF assessments will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 12% to 17%. 
  • By June 2024, the percentage of English Learners (ELs) in grades 4-6 demonstrating "on-grade-level" reading ability as measured by the Spring Reading SOL assessment will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 34% to 39%. 
  • By June 2024, the percentage of Special Education students in grades 1-3 demonstrating "on-grade-level" reading ability as measured by the iReady and ORF assessments will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 9% to 14%. 
  • By June 2024, the percentage of Special Education students in grades 4-6 demonstrating "on-grade-level" reading ability as measured by the Spring Reading SOL assessments will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 40% to 45%. 
  • By June 2024, the percentage of students in grades 1-3 demonstrating "on-grade-level" reading ability as measured by the iReady and ORF assessments will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 27% to 32%. 
  • By June 2024, the percentage of students in grades 4-6 demonstrating "on-grade-level" reading ability as measured by the Spring Reading SOL assessment will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 68% to 73%.

Strategy 1

  • Expand use of skills-based grouping to ensure students demonstrate mastery of foundational skills. (HLP 2, 5)

Strategy 2

  • Increase intentional use of scaffolds, supports and extensions in whole group settings (word recognition, language comprehension and writing). (HLP 2-4)

Strategy 3

  • Increase use of WIDA tools and rubrics to support language development (HLP 1-4).

Mathematics Strategies


  • By June 2024, the percentage of students in grades 1-6 demonstrating expected screener growth in math on the iReady will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 52% to 57%. 
  • By June 2024, the percentage of students in grades 3-6 demonstrating "on-grade-level" mathematics ability as measured by the Spring Mathematics SOL assessment will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 67% to 72%. 
  • By June 2024, the percentage of students in Kindergarten meeting the benchmark for mathematics ability measured by the VKRP EMAS screener will increase by at least 5 percentage points from 49% to 54%. 
  • By the end of SY 23-24 school year, 52% (increase of 5 percentage points) of G3-6 EL students will score pass/pass proficient on the 23-24 Math SOL. 
  • By the end of SY 23-24 school year, 55% (increase of 5 percentage points) of G1-6 EL students will meet grade level expectations on the iReady. 
  • By the end of 23-24 school year, 43% (increase of 5 percentage points) of G3-6 sped students will score pass/pass proficient on the 23-24 Math SOL.

Strategy 1

  • Engage all students in learning through student-centered Tier 1 instruction with accessible, differentiated mathematical activities that promote student discourse during small group instruction or stations.

Strategy 2

  • Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 3

  • Increase our efficacy for delivering specially designed instruction for our special education students.

Wellness Strategies


  • By the end of the 2023-24 school year, we will increase the percentage of students answering favorably to the "Self-Management Skills" questions on the SEL Screener from 40% to 45%. 
  • By the end of the 2023-24 school year, we will decrease our Office Discipline Referrals by 10% 
  • By the end of the 2023-24 school year, we will decrease the number of chronically absent students by 10%

Strategy 1

  • School staff will use common language and common best practice for addressing challenging behaviors at tier 1 in the classroom.

Strategy 2

  • School staff will provide direct and explicit tier 1 instruction on Self-Management Skills to students in grades K-6.

Strategy 3

  • Counselors will create a Strategies Lab as part of our overall MTSS plan to support the social-emotional learning for our tier 2/3 students.

Portrait of a Graduate (POG)


  • By the end of SY 2023-24: 100% of students in Kindergarten and 1st Grade will “get started” by scoring at least proficient on Criterion 3 of the POG POL rubric; and 100% of students in Grades 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 will participate in POG POL with their full rubric scores recorded in RUBI.

Strategy 1:

  • Expand opportunities for students to regularly learn about, apply, and reflect on POG skills aligned with course content.

Strategy 2:

  • Expand opportunities for students to regularly learn about, apply, and reflect on POG skills aligned with course content.