Coates Family Newsletter for 3/21/25
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Congrats to our Shining Star Shoutout students for this past week. The students recognized for demonstrating what it means to be a Shining Star this week are:
1st Grade:
Mateo Herrera- Ready to Shine
Dylan Duran Alfaro- Responsible
Fatima Zamani- Respectful
2nd Grade:
Benoit Kamnang Nkwetchou- Responsible
3rd Grade:
Dariana Nataren Franco (Alexa)- Respectful
Bradley Knapik- Responsible
Soliana Fkadu- Respectful
Noah Dallas- Ready to Shine
Joseph Miguel- Responsible
4th Grade:
Madhuksara S. Santosh- Ready to Shine
Cloe Saxena- Ready to Shine
Noor Saher- Respectful
Laya Sentihilkumar- Ready to Shine
Natasia Akpiniboya- Ready to Shine
Laure Agboyibo- Ready to Shine
5th Grade:
Roseanna Cash- Ready to Shine
Isatta Kargbo- Responsible
Nigama Dharmana- Ready to Shine
Ezra Garcia- Ready to Shine
Brendan Abbey- Respectful
6th Grade:
Jabr Alsubaiy- Respectful
Asia Hayat- Ready to Shine
Zeina Faragalla- Ready to Shine
Julian Balderramos-Tello- Responsible
Julian Reveron- Responsible
Sofia Hernandez Lopez- Ready to Shine
Walter Amaya- Ready to Shine
Christopher Fuentes Ulloa- Responsible
Aaryan Shah- Responsible
Jaswanth Saravana Prabhu- Responsible
Taha Hamoz- Responsible
Nina Brazley- Ready to Shine
Ma'syiah Rice- Responsible
Weekly Attendance Incentive WinnersThe classrooms with the highest attendance percentage this week are:
- Ms. Hammon's 1st Grade Class
- Ms. Knight's 1st Grade Class
- Mrs. Diaz's 4th Grade Class
- Mrs. Myers' 5th Grade Class
- Mr. Heaps' 6th Grade Class
Congratulations! 🎉
Congratulations Mrs. O'Hara!Last weekend, Mrs. Kimberly O'Hara, our incredible 1st-grade teacher, was honored with a First Class Award by the Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) at the FCPS Family Summit! This well-deserved recognition highlights her dedication to supporting our students. We are so proud of her!
Congratulations to our opponents, Deer Park, on a great game last Friday! Despite our success over the past two years, Deer Park edged out a win against Coates with a close score of 33 to 30. A huge thank you to our PTA, students, families, and staff for making this event such a fun and memorable experience that brought our communities together! 🏀👏
Multicultural Night returns this spring to Coates! The event will be on Friday, April 4th, from 5:30-8:00pm.
We want to ensure that your country is represented. Please complete the following google form:
Boundary Meeting UpdatesOnce the scope of the boundary study is approved by the School Board, FCPS staff will develop possible program and/or boundary change scenarios within the approved scope. These scenarios will be shared with the community, and opportunities for public input will be available through in-person and virtual meetings on:
- Wednesday, April 2, 2025, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Virtual via Zoom – Register here. For the virtual meeting, registration is required to receive the Zoom link.
- Monday, April 7, 2025 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. In person - Coates Elementary School - Cafeteria
Each meeting will offer the same presentation and opportunity for community feedback, with language interpretation available. Families and community members can review the proposed changes and share their input.
Stay informed by visiting the Coates Elementary School Boundary Study, where you can also sign up for the mailing list to receive updates.
For any questions, please fill out this form. Your engagement in this process is important!
Help and Resources for Infants, Toddlers, and Their FamiliesAre you concerned about your infant, toddler, or preschool-aged child's development? Resources are available if your child exhibits difficulties in one or more of the following areas:
- communication,
- fine and/or gross motor skills,
- self-help skills,
- problem solving
- attention skills
Learn more about typical developmental milestones.
The Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia (ITC) is the state’s early intervention system for infants and toddlers (0-36 months) with disabilities and their families. ITC provides evaluations and services for children who have developmental delays or medical conditions that may affect development. Parents are encouraged to contact ITC at 703-246-7121 to share their concerns.
Early Childhood Child Find is the process of identifying children with potential special education needs between the ages of 20 months and 5 years (children must be two by September 30).
FCPS Early Childhood Identification and Services (ECID&S) offers a free referral process to identify potential developmental delays or disabilities. Special education services are provided for all children who are found eligible through the referral process. Parents are encouraged to contact 571-423-4121 with questions or to make a referral.
✨ Helping students meet the criteria for kindergarten readiness is Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan.
Recognize Our Staff Who Go Above and BeyondThe FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees, specifically at Coates.
Mark Your Calendar28th- End of 3rd Quarter
31th- Eid al-Fitr- No School
1st- April Fool's Day/ Teacher Work Day- No School
2nd- Coates School Boundary Meeting- Virtual
4th- School Librarian Day & Multicultural Night- 5:30-8pm
6th-12th- National Library Week
7th- Coates School Boundary Meeting- 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. In person - Coates Elementary School Cafeteria
7th-11th- National Assistant Principals Week
9th- Purple Up! Day
12th- Passover
13th- Theravada New Year
14th-18th- Spring Break- No School
18th- Good Friday/ Orthodox Good Friday
20th- Easter/ Orthodox Easter
22nd- School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
23rd- Administrative Professionals Day
28th- 3-hour Early Release Monday
30th- Spring Picture Day
*The full FCPS 2024-2025 calendar can be accessed here.
2480 River Birch Road, Herndon, VA 20171 | Main Phone: 703.713.3000
Report Absence Online | Attendance Phone: 703.713.3030
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